在Hacker News 上看到的一些相關比較,作者比較了現有AWS Lambda 的程式語言,並記錄每種語言在不同情境下的cold start的時間。
clients -> HTTP API -> Lambda function -> Dynamo DB
Cold start:
* All languages(except Java and .Net) have a pretty small cold start.
AWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start) | by Aleksandr Filichkin | Sep, 2021 | Medium
* Java even cannot start with 128Mb. It needs more memory. But GraalVM can help in this case.
* Rust beats all runtimes for all setups for cold start, the only exception is 128 MB where Python is the best.
Warm start:
* Golang and Rust are the winners. They have the same brilliant performance.
AWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start) | by Aleksandr Filichkin | Sep, 2021 | Medium
* .Net has almost the same performance as Golang and Rust, but only after 1k iterations(after JIT).
* GraalVM has a stable great performance almost the same as .Net and a bit worse than Rust and Golang. But it doesn’t perform well for the smallest setup.
* Java is the next after GraalVM.The same as .Net, Java needs some time(1–3k iterations) for JIT(C1). Unfortunately for this particular use case, I was not able to achieve the expected great performance after JIT C2 compilation. Maybe AWS just disabled it.
* Python has stable good performance but works too slow for the 128 MB.
* Ruby has almost the same performance as Python, but we see some duration growing after 20 min invocations(after 15k iteration).
* NodeJs is the slowest runtime, after some time it becomes better(JIT?) but still is not good enough. In addition, we see the NodeJS has the worst maximum duration.
Go與Rust是其中最穩定的且效能最好的,在幾乎所有的情境下,都是前2名。(唯一的例外是,Python在128MB RAM 的環境下是最快的)。