剛好在DK大大那邊看到的一篇搜尋引擎的整理文章, 我猜來源應該是Hacker News上有人發布的XDDD
文章的內容中提供了一大串的搜尋引擎相關的服務…. (沒想到有這麼多搜尋引擎阿阿阿!!!)
先紀錄一下, 找一天再來細看裡面收錄的搜尋引擎XDDD
Just another WordPress site
剛好在DK大大那邊看到的一篇搜尋引擎的整理文章, 我猜來源應該是Hacker News上有人發布的XDDD
文章的內容中提供了一大串的搜尋引擎相關的服務…. (沒想到有這麼多搜尋引擎阿阿阿!!!)
先紀錄一下, 找一天再來細看裡面收錄的搜尋引擎XDDD
雖然說我本身沒在接觸SRE 相關的工作職責, 但有看到相關資訊還是來紀錄一下…
Grafana Labs 最近出了 一套 Grafana OnCall OSS, 直接瞄準了SRE 對於Oncall 相關的需求XDDD
看起來對於 PagerDuty 這類型的服務應該會產生一定程度的影響
最近接了藍芽喇叭以後, 發現ubuntu 內建的system settings 在選擇輸出音訊時有時候會不太正常, 常常聲音會出不來, 或是在先前所選的裝置。
後來查了stackoverflow上的一篇文章後, 發現了一個不錯的工具…. pavucontrol
sudo apt install pavucontrol
然後執行 pavucontrol
以後就有一個新的音訊控制的UI了 XD
剛發現, 原來我們可以直接用下面的 endpoint就找到目前的ip address.
curl http://httpbin.org/ip
然後就可以收到類似下面的response 了
"origin": "x.x.x.x"
自從使用Ubuntu以後,一個一直困擾我的問題是,在某些情況下我的桌面左上角會彈出需要打入使用者密碼的1password popup window,然後它是無法被關掉的!!!
不多說 ,直接附上解決方法:
Alt + F2
, then Enter
之前就看到的 open source solutions (uBlacklist), 但都沒特別去使用它,直到今天看HackerNews時又看到它,才想說來試用一下看看。
它主要的功能是透過browser extension 的方式來過濾掉使用者不想看到的網站,所以使用者需要安裝他們家的extendions。
Chrome Web Store / Firefox Add-ons / App Store
設定方式也很簡單,可以透過wildcard *
的方式,或是reqgular expression 的方式來去過濾掉不想看到的網址。(相關範例可以參考這裡)
另外還有個蠻方便的功能就是,在裝了extensions以後,在之後Google Search的結果中就會有個小按鍵可以讓使用者直接block當下他看到的某個搜尋結果。
在Hacker News上看到的一個新套件 modernwiki,可以讓使用者在看wikipedmia 時,有比較現代化網頁的呈現方式。
很早之前從Hacker Daily News上看到的相關討論,主要是有人推薦了一本可以給開發者看的數學書,目標族群是沒有受過正規學校教育的開發者,或著是像我這種已經把大多數學的東西環給學校的開發者XD
As the title implies, the book is targeted towards programmers who do not have an academic math background.
A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics – BIT-101
* Polynomials
A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics – BIT-101
* Sets
* Graphs
* Calculus with one variable
* Linear algebra
* Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
* Multivariable calculus
* Groups
在Hacker Daily News上看到的一篇文章,作者提到了,當他發了一個PR到某個專案上時,專業的維護者的一些review 評論對他來說非常受用,也讓他了解到一些程式語言上 的特性與knowhow。
透過這個經驗,作者也發現了,當他去翻一些開源專案上的merged/closed PRs時,也可以發現類似的撰寫建議;所以他歸納這可以是一個通用法則,並且可以用在各個程式領域上:
I learned so much from reading the comments and concerns on my PRs. But it doesn’t have to be my PR. It can be anybody’s.
How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language (cbui.dev)
簡而言之,在一個成熟且大型的開源專案上,開發與維護者通常都會是非常聰明且有知識的開發者,所以透過學習這些PRs 的建議與評論可以挖掘到許多無價的經驗。
1. Every morning, take your favorite open source library or one from a language you’re learning, go to the closed PRs on Github and start reading them from the beginning. Just a few a morning for warmup while you drink your morning coffee and catch up on email.
2. When you want to level up, start reading the diff, and review the code and changes yourself before reading the comments.
3. Finally, when you start feeling more confident, start leaving those comments on new PRs so that the maintainer doesn’t have to. You’re starting to contribute to open source!
How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language (cbui.dev)
How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language (cbui.dev)
在Hacker Daily News 上看到的一篇文章,在分享如何才會有效的學習。
作者分享了一些他的經歷以及相關的結論,但由於文章內容蠻長的,大概快速的掃過一遍以後,大概就節錄一些作者最後的列出的Key points。
You can’t rely on intuition about how well your studying practices are working for you. Intuitive judgments of learning are often inaccurate and tend to produce an inflated perception of progress.
Avoid defaulting to habitual, passive approaches to studying such as rereading and highlighting sources. These do not take advantage of the reconstructive nature of memory, and make it more tedious and less effective.
不要用一些習以為常的被動學習方式去學習,重複的閱讀重複的內容,或標註重點字句並不會讓學習變的有效。 (當你標註某個重點時,試著去理解為何它是重要的。)
Systematic engagement with the meaning of your source material is the key to successful studying.
系統性的學習手頭上的資源會是非常重要的 !
Rather than cramming your studying into an extended session before the exam, it’s much more effective to distribute the time you have available for studying over a larger number of shorter sessions.
When you are studying similar topics that might be easily confused, it’s a good idea to interleave your studying – to alternate between the topics during your study sessions. This can help you identify the differences between the topics and reduce the chances of them being conflated.
You should view self-testing as an integral part of your studying. One way to do this is the read, recite and review (3R) method: read a section of text, set it aside as you try to recall its content in your own words, and then check your recall, repeating as necessary.
自我評量也是非常重要的,有效的學習通常伴隨著有效的衡量方式;作著提出了3R (Read, Recite, Review) 來幫助自己評斷學習成果。